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Capgemini Hiring for Network Engineer 2025


Capgemini Hiring for Network Engineer 2025

Fresher (2024 pass outs only)
4.25 Lacs
BTech/BE -(CSIT/Circuit Branches only) / MCA
Work Detail
5 Days/per week
Job Type/Timing
Full-time/In Office

Job description

The ideal candidate should demonstrate a strong aptitude and eagerness to learn new technologies, continuously expanding upon their core knowledge. They should be able to identify network-related issues and provide valuable input to resolve them, seeking appropriate guidance to ensure quality outcomes. The candidate will actively participate as a contributing team member in various projects and activities, progressively acquiring more complex skills, techniques, and knowledge of abstract concepts to achieve full proficiency in networking technologies. A positive and learning-driven attitude is essential, along with a customer-centric mindset and strong interpersonal and communication skills. Knowledge of networking technologies such as Routing and Switching, Collaboration, Data Center, Wireless, Security, and Cloud-based support is required. A CCNA certification is preferred, and excellent verbal and written communication skills are necessary for this role.

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