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IBM Hiring for Process Associate 2025

Bengaluru, Hyderabad
0-1 Year
Not Disclosed
Any Graduate
Work Detail
5 Days/per week
Job Type/Timing
Full-time/In Office

Job description

The ideal candidate should have 0-1 years of experience in Learning Administration, Customer Relationship Management, Business Administration, or a related field. Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, MS Word, and GSuite is required, along with excellent verbal and written English communication skills. Prior experience in training or presentations is a plus, and the ability to work in a fast-paced, client-facing environment is essential. Strong organizational skills, the ability to prioritize tasks, and attention to detail are necessary for this role. The candidate should demonstrate quick responsiveness, follow-up skills, and the ability to build effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders. Flexibility to work in shifts, including night shifts, during training or knowledge transfer activities is preferred. Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to analyze complex issues and find solutions are critical.

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